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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

3 Timeless Strategies to Boost Team Productivity with Better Virtual Communication

3 Timeless Strategies to Boost Team Productivity with Better Virtual Communication

3 Timeless Strategies to Boost Team Productivity with Better Virtual Communication

In the age of remote work, clear virtual communication has become more crucial than ever.

Yet, I've been in the trenches, wrestling with this colossal challenge for over a decade and a half. And believe me, it hasn't been rosy. In fact, with its glittering array of communication tools, the digital age promised to be the messiah of efficiency.

But instead, it handed us an albatross of exhaustion.

So, what's the secret sauce to making remote communication work?

The difficulty at hand isn't trivial. I've watched firsthand as with more social tool integration, my team's communication took a toll on team morale, efficiency, and even some people's sanity.

It's like running a marathon blindfolded—clumsy and exhausting.

But with years of trial and error and massive mistakes, I've found a compass to help navigate this tumultuous virtual communication sea.

1. Set Clear Expectations From The Start.

Clarity is the bedrock of efficiency.

Every business leader must publish a company-wide communication playbook. It's not just about the 'what,' but the 'how' and 'where' of communication.

Where should team members communicate?

How should they convey a message?

And most importantly, what constitutes effective communication?

These aren't just operational details; they're the codes that keep the ship afloat and moving in the right direction.

2. Embrace the Power of Face-to-Face (Even if it's Digital).

Video conferencing tools have become our new conference rooms.

But here's the psychological twist: we're humans, which makes us social animals. We need to see, interact, and, if feasible, meet in person.

There's magic in those ad-hoc hallway conversations or brief chit-chat among cubicle companions. There's a remarkable reason why Elon Musk puts his engineer's desks on the factory floor at SpaceX.

For us sentient beings who aren't quite the machine like Elon, this is where hybrid work models come into play.

Offering the best of both worlds, they provide human interaction while granting solitude to focus. It's not about choosing one over the other; it's about balance.

But, whatever choice you make, make more video calls without succumbing to meeting fatigue.

3. Stay Organized With Collaborative Virtual Communication Platforms.

Remember the adage, "A place for everything and everything in its place"?

It holds true for communication, too. Using platforms that allow for transparent and structured communication ensures that no crucial detail falls through the cracks.

But that also means don't overdo it. You can't communicate effectively if all your conversations are dispersed through email, phone calls, project software, CRM, ERP, text messages, and the endless sea of more tools.

Consolidate your communication channels.

Here's a suggestion:

  • Video calls = complex conversations

  • Emails = recaps of calls and FYIs

  • Project management = Project-specific comments

  • CRM & ERP = Record specific conversations

Your team will be driven mad by more than three to five mediums.

Improving virtual communication isn't about the next flashy tool or platform—it's about returning to the basics.

It's about understanding human psychology and merging it with technology.

Now it's time to act.

Dive deep into your communication strategy, assess, tweak, and keep the dialogue flowing.

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Discover 13 Proven Tactics to Boost Your Teams Productivity with Better Internal Communication Standards