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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

5 Stupidly Simple Life Hacks Everyone Should Know to Sidestep Costly Mistakes

5 Stupidly Simple Life Hacks Everyone Should Know to Sidestep Costly Mistakes

5 Stupidly Simple Life Hacks Everyone Should Know to Sidestep Costly Mistakes

Are you tired of all the costly chaos caused by unforced errors in your life?

You're not alone. We've all tripped over our shoelaces to fall face-first into a pie of hot, sugary mistakes. But what if you could trim down the screw-ups or avoid them altogether?

In your wallet, career, and relationships, here are a few hacks that are like a trusty shield against life's constant barrage of "Oops! Didn't see that coming."

Hack 1: Use pointing and calling to reduce mistakes.

Many performance setbacks can be traced back to being unaware of ourselves.

You see, by lacking self-awareness, we tend to repeat non-conscious habits that hinder our progress. The "point-and-call" technique will enhance your awareness and bring attention to your actions.

The concept is simple:

When performing a task, physically point at the action and verbally state it out loud.

By doing this, you elevate your awareness level from a non-conscious state to a more conscious one. It's a powerful way to focus and prevent mindless repetition.

Hack 2: Assume nothing; question everything.

Assumptions are like termites, subtly and steadily chewing through the framework of your good judgment.

Remember when you misread that text or email? Exactly. It landed you on the other side of an avoidable conflict.

Never assume because, as my grandfather used to say, it makes an Ass out of U and Me.

Hack 3: Silence is golden; practice listening more than speaking.

A big mouth causes big problems.

Huge mistakes are born from too many words and a lack of comprehension — which is ignorance.

Take Epictetus' advice:

"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."

Hack 4: Perfection is a myth.

Chase personal growth instead.

That failure, that fall, that flub — it's all part of your journey. Embrace it as a chance to learn and grow. As long as you continue to learn and improve, this is your unique path. No matter how much time you spend scrolling social media, you will never replicate someone else's life.

James Altucher recommends getting 1% better each day.

Imagine what that would do after 365 days?

Hack 5: Never skip "Me Time."

All work and no play makes you dull — it blinds you to your needs and leads to burnout.

If you're not refreshed and recovered, you'll make stupid decisions based on wild emotions. So take time to disconnect, get some great sleep, and, my God, tap into your inner child and go play.

Mistakes are unavoidable, but they don't have to ruin your day, your week, or your life. Adopt these five simple hacks and watch as your life smooths out those costly mistakes.

Start now. Why? Because you're worth it.

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