Nate Anglin

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7 Ways to Keep Your Best Employees Engaged & Happy (#3 is a Game Changer!)

Keeping your best employees is like maintaining an aircraft: neglect it, and your aircraft will be grounded with issues (not its best use); take care of it, and you'll watch it soar smoothly across the globe.

Retaining top talent is the lifeblood of any thriving B2B business. It's about more than just perks and paychecks—it's about understanding what makes your best people tick. Just as aircraft require regular maintenance to stay in top condition, your top talent needs ongoing attention and care.

Here are seven maintenance-approved strategies I've learned (likely the hard way) to ensure your best people flourish in your company.

Strategy 1: Know What Matters to Them.

David Finkel's wisdom shines here: "Don't assume what matters to you matters to them." I used to try to lead people the same way. It was one of my most significant leadership lessons. You wouldn't use the same maintenance routine for a jumbo jet as a small prop plane. Similarly, I had to understand what truly mattered to each one of my employees. It's not always about the free snacks in the break room—sometimes, it's about flexible schedules or growth opportunities.

Strategy 2: Always Give Feedback (Good or Bad) Immediately.

Immediate feedback is like conducting a pre-flight check. Catching issues early prevents more significant problems down the runway. Think of it as avoiding a mid-air emergency by tightening a loose bolt before takeoff.

Strategy 3: Clarify the Why Behind the Work.

Every part of an aircraft has a purpose, from the engines to the tiniest rivet. Like aircraft parts, employees must understand their role in the bigger picture. Without clear direction, they might feel as lost as an untrained engineer on their first day.

Strategy 4: Enhancing Engagement with Unpredictable Rewards.

Unpredictable rewards are like surprise upgrades to first class. They keep your team excited and motivated. Just make sure these rewards are beneficial—like free flight miles, not a surprise layover in a dull airport.

Strategy 5: Give Them a Voice but Not a Guaranteed Vote.

Just as pilots need to communicate with air traffic control, employees need to feel heard. Give them a voice, even if they don't always make the final decision. It's about keeping the communication channels open and clear. It's about communication, not consensus. This inclusivity can foster a sense of belonging and loyalty within your team.

Strategy 6: Know What's Going On in Their Lives.

There have been many stories over the years where my team or I missed the signs. A new mom who was burnt out with her schedule. Traumatic personal issues were creating massive stress. As leaders, we should know these things to help our team through the good and the challenging times. Understanding what's going on in your employees' lives is like understanding the weather conditions before a flight. It helps you navigate potential turbulence and provides the proper support so they don't feel like they're flying through a storm alone. This understanding can foster a sense of empathy and connection within your team.

Strategy 7: Make Them Feel Supported.

Supporting your employees is akin to ensuring the aircraft has all the necessary support systems. When your team feels supported, they perform better, just like an aircraft with a well-maintained engine runs smoother—it has fewer performance issues, gets better gas mileage, and costs a lot less.

Employee retention is much like aircraft maintenance, requiring regular check-ins, proper care, and timely interventions. Implement these strategies; your top talent will help your business soar to new heights.


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