Nate Anglin

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Nozbe Productivity Software Review: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you’re anything like me I’ve searched the high heavens and back for a good task management tool. I can honestly say I’ve bought, used and tried everything on the market. My total investment is damn near $500 in my conquest to find the best task manager for my needs.

The main issue is I have a lot of different projects going on at the same time. These projects or both professionally and personally.


A program that smashes all my projects together causes more chaos than it intends to alleviate.

I need a productivity software that allows me to create subtasks for certain projects.

So without further rambling, let’s see how the productivity software Nozbe holds up to my demands.

The Good

Based on the GTD concept, Nozbe holds it’s own in the productivity software arena.

The two biggest strengths I find with this software is it first has you sort primary tasks into projects that you can then label. So let me give you an example.

Let’s say I have a sales meeting with the purchasing executive of a major airline. This meeting is crucial and it’ll net a seven-figure contract over a 2 year period. It’s imperative I get everything in order before this meeting.

I will create a project in Nozbe called “Airline Sales Meeting.” After creating the project I’ll insert all related tasks under this project. These tasks are my small wins to make sure the project is accurately completed. If I need to reference this project and all it’s tasks, I’ll just click on the project.

After doing this I’ll label the project Skylink. Labels is how I categorize my projects. So if I want to access all my project for Skylink, I’ll just filter the search to the Skylink label.


[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="lifted-both" width="autopx" height="" background_color="#f8b732" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]This simple Nozbe function is crucial to my productivity and why I consider it the best task manager software. [TWEET THIS][/dropshadowbox]

Yes, others may have this option but when combined with the diversity (cloud, iPhone, iPad, PC, and Mac syncing), integrations (Evernote, Google, Dropbox and more) and ease of use, it’s a no brainer for me.

It also has an option for teams. This is a huge win for some.

If you want to see more options, click here.

The Bad

Nozbe is a productivity software. Nothing new there. And like most it generates revenue through the sale of this software.

Where I struggled at first is the price. It’s $96 per year and not the buy once and have free updates for life software pricing strategy.

That’s fine but the price for the yearly recurring fee seemed steep.

After my initial hesitation I found that this was just an insecurity of mine. After spending so much money on other productivity software, Nozbe will save me money over the long run.


Because I genuinely value the software and how it’s improved my productivity. I will be less likely to try other applications.

The price is for a premium product. Plain and simple.

The Ugly

The worst part about Nozbe is the learning curve. It’s really easy once you find a system that works for you.

Think of what you want most from task management software and create a system of how you will apply that to Nozbe.

Once you jump in you’ll be more in tune with the software.

Nozbe Productivity Software Conclusion

Plain and simple, Nozbe is the best task manager I’ve come across.

It’s sleek, the integrations are awesome and it syncs with all of my devices. No matter where I’m at my devices will always be up to date with my projects and tasks.

If your just like me and have tried just about everything, try Nozbe.