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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

Swamped? 4 Essential Technologies Busy Leaders Use to Win Back Time and Fuel Their Small Business Growth

Swamped? 4 Essential Technologies Busy Leaders Use to Win Back Time and Fuel Their Small Business Growth

Swamped? 4 Essential Technologies Busy Leaders Use to Win Back Time and Fuel Their Small Business Growth

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stuck in your business?

As someone who's been in the trenches, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to manage a growing business while trying to maintain some semblance of work and life. It's like juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle—not for the faint of heart! But fear not, my friend.

Along the way, I've discovered that leveraging technology is a game-changer in empowering your team and streamlining processes.

The Role of Technology in a Modern Small B2B Business

In today's fast-paced world, technology is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity.

Technology is the foundation of how you execute core procedures, and in a competitive world, leverage efficiency, scalability, and constant support.

For over twenty-five years, my company relied on a legacy ERP system that required a physical server to keep it running. It was bulky, expensive, and ungodly slow. For years, I researched solutions that would move us away from a physical server to one we could use in the "cloud" with simple data backups and where I could recruit and leverage a global, remote team.

When a player in our niche industry developed the solution, it did all I wanted it to, plus so much more, like automation. Our revenue and profit more than doubled because it freed us up to do more in less time and allowed us to hire incredible talent from all over the world. Of course, the technology doesn't get all the credit in our growth, but it sure helped.

By embracing the right tools and systems, you can:

  1. Improve collaboration and communication (so you're not playing a never-ending game of telephone)

  2. Streamline project management and task assignment (because who has time for a million status update meetings?)

  3. Provide access to training and development resources (to keep your team sharp and engaged)

  4. Monitor and analyze team performance (without having to micromanage every little detail)

Technology for Communication

Effective communication is like the secret sauce of a well-oiled team.

I've found that implementing collaboration tools like Google Chat or Slack can work wonders. These platforms allow for real-time messaging, file sharing, and integration with other tools so your team can collaborate seamlessly across departments and locations. No more endless email chains or missed memos!

But just be careful as these "tools" can also become overwhelming, fast.

Technology for Project Management

Managing projects can feel like herding cats, especially as your business grows.

Implementing project management software like Asana or Trello has been a lifesaver for me. These tools allow me to:

  1. Create and assign tasks (so everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing)

  2. Set deadlines and prioritize tasks (because not everything can be "urgent")

  3. Track progress and identify bottlenecks (so you can nip problems in the bud)

  4. Collaborate and communicate within the context of each project (keeping everyone on the same page)

By centralizing project information and communication, you can ensure that your team is working towards common goals and not just spinning their wheels.

Technology for Training and Development

Investing in your team's skills and knowledge is like giving them superpowers.

Online learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning offer a treasure trove of courses and training materials. By providing these resources to your employees, you can:

  1. Upskill and reskill your team members (because who doesn't love a good montage?)

  2. Address knowledge gaps and improve performance (without having to be a know-it-all yourself)

  3. Foster a culture of continuous learning and growth (because stagnation is so last century)

  4. Retain top talent by providing opportunities for development (and showing them you care about their future)

When you invest in your employees' growth, the business improves with them.

At Skylink, we've built an entire program on aligning career goals with business objectives.

We use a personal growth plan to help individuals succeed:

Personal Growth Plan

Technology for Performance Monitoring

Monitoring and analyzing employee performance data regularly is essential to keep your team firing on all cylinders. Tools like 15Five allow you to:

  1. Collect feedback and insights from team members (without the awkward face-to-face confrontations)

  2. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives (so you know if you're actually making progress)

  3. Identify areas for improvement and provide targeted coaching (because everyone can use a little help sometimes)

  4. Recognize and reward top performers (and give them a well-deserved pat on the back)

By leveraging performance data, you can make informed decisions and continuously optimize your team's effectiveness. It's like having a crystal ball, but without the whole "mystical powers" thing.

Listen, I know that embracing technology can feel like a daunting task, especially when you're already juggling a million other things.

But trust me when I say it's worth it. By implementing communication, project management, training, and performance monitoring tools, you can alleviate the burden of "key man syndrome" and create a more efficient, collaborative, and growth-oriented organization.

Start exploring and adopting these technologies today, and you'll be well on your way to taking your business to the next level.

And who knows? You might even find a little more time for that elusive life balance we all crave.

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