The Easiest Way To Be An Overnight Success That Creates Maximum Value
Only the effort you put in today will bear fruit on your results tomorrow.
The Taj Mahal was built in less than 8-hours. Amazon became the world’s most valuable brand in less than 12.
We hear “overnight” success and think it’s bestowed on someone. Like a blessing from the success Gods. As if it appears from thin air, like a success genie in a bottle.
None of these marvels of mastery happened overnight.
We assume success doesn’t take a lot of planning, a ton of execution, and a lot of time.
Success doesn’t happen today. It happens tomorrow from what you do today, over time. If you call that overnight, then sure, I guess you’re right, over many nights.
Each new day brings progress.
When I was beginning my career, I was so focused on the end result, but the end result never happened. It’s my guiding light.
I wanted to be at $100,000,000 in revenue, to have 5 functioning brands under my leadership and to have a personal brand that has helped 10,000 business people escape a ROTTEN life by optimizing their day, they right way.
I’m on my way, but I have a long way to go. I need more time. More execution. More progress. More focus.
That’s the point.
Do you know what you’re shooting for?
If you don’t have an end goal to shoot for, you’re pinning the tail on a miniature donkey.
If you don’t have an end goal, then what projects and short terms goals are you trying to achieve?
You’re going to change focus. You’re going to stall. You’re going to give up.
To achieve success, you have to define what progress is to you. And focus intently and ruthlessly on that goal.
Everyone’s definition of success is different. To you, it may be money. To me, it’s about legacy. To others, flexibility.
No one is shooting for the same thing.
What’re your 5-year goals? Spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, and financial.
Without goals, you’ll eventually find a cliff and walk right over.
Success is incremental progress daily towards your goals.
To achieve success, you must execute on your goals every single day. So you’re literally an overnight success, each new day.
Ask yourself these questions to focus intently on what matters most to you.
1. Do you have a VISION for the next three years?
2. Do you have a STRATEGY and goals for the next year?
3. Do you have a completed quarterly PLAN to execute on those goals?
4. Do you REVIEW and prioritize your upcoming week to start hitting your quarter plan?
5. Do you EXECUTE your weekly priorities, daily?
If you’ve said no to any of these, it’s time to focus more and get shit done. Quit chasing the golden goose and create your overnight success.
Each and every day.
Thanks for reading.