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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

Defining Your True Nature In A World Of Chaos. Are You A Hero Or Villain?

Defining Your True Nature In A World Of Chaos. Are You A Hero Or Villain?

human nature

We wear masks every day of our lives, for many different reasons, but the biggest, to smooth social functioning.

Just imagine how people would perceive you if you acted as you truly felt? 


You're like Shakespeare in the play of your life.

Robert Greene writes, in his book "The Laws of Human Nature," 

It is estimated that over 65 percent of all human communication is nonverbal but that people pick up and internalize only about 5 percent of this information. Instead, almost all of our social attention is absorbed by what people say, which more often than not actually serves to conceal what they are really thinking and feeling.

We're masters at concealing our deepest thoughts. 

In a time of turmoil, your true nature becomes exposed. 

Despite our ability to conceal our feelings on a day-to-day basis, our ability to wear masks becomes hard in emotional situations.

It's these moments that bring out your true nature. Take the current world pandemic as a prime example. 

How you're acting today is who you are. You're exposed, without a mask. 

You'll see three kinds of people, the villain, the commoner, and the hero. 

The VILLIANS are rude. 

They're mean. They have no manners. They respect no one. 

They're selfish, on earth to fuel their internal demons. 

You can spot them from a mile away.

They buy massive amounts of toilet paper as wiping their ass for three decades is going to help pull them out of the current global crisis.

They're rude to supermarket cashiers who are AMAZING and working to help them. They yell at their kids and treat their spouse like crap. 

They get on social media to complain about everything and everyone, despite them having no solutions of their own.

It's everyone else's fault!

They're incredibly emotional and irritable. 

They lie, cheat, and scam their way to what they believe is happiness. They love to gossip and politicize everything. 

If you spot them today, run away!

The COMMONERS are genuine, amazing people. 

I suppose most of the world falls into this category. It's people trying to process everything that's going on.

They wake up to give the day their best shot. 

At times they get emotional as there's a lot of information in the world to absorb, but, regardless, they do their best, they treat others with respect and live their best life. 

They're polite, genuine, hard-working people who will try to step up in the time of need. 

The HEROES step up to tough challenges. 

Heroes see problems as something to fix. It's not an ideal situation, but it's what life has thrown at them, so they'll deal with it.

They rarely bitch and moan. 

They see problems as opportunities. Not only financial opportunities but opportunities to solve a world problem, to help support people in a time of need, to encourage, motivate, and help others see through the noise. 

They're incredibly self-aware, empathetic and have an astounding ability to control emotions. 

They want to be helpful to the people who they lead, whether it be their family, work, or various communities (including virtual communities). 

Here's a quick tip for spotting the villains, working with the commoners, and supporting the heroes.

According to Robert Greene, 

"The word personality comes from the Latin persona, which means "mask." In the public we all wear masks, and this has a positive function. If we displayed exactly who we are and spoke our minds truthfully, we would offend almost everyone and reveal qualities that are best concealed. Having a persona, playing a role well, actually protects us from people looking too closely at us, with all of the insecurities that would churn up."

Masks are important. 

For example, I wear a mask at work. It's my extrovert mask, despite my intense introverted personality. 

The goal is to spot people's true nature and work with the ones who will have the most positive impact on your life. 

It's really easy…

See how they treat people in stressful situations. 

Do they point the finger, blame others, or differ responsibility? If so, you've spotted a VILLIAN. If they lead, are empathetic, and help others get through a difficult situation, they're likely HEROES. 

There are a hundred different ways to read through someone's masks, but it's much easier when you watch how they act in emotional situations

It's these situations that will expose their true nature. 

Determine which type of person you are, avoid being a villain, and if you know someone who is one, avoid them. It's not worth the pain they'll create.

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