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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

4 Unusual Negotiation Tricks That Deliver Big Results Fast

4 Unusual Negotiation Tricks That Deliver Big Results Fast

4 Unusual Negotiation Tricks That Deliver Big Results Fast

Negotiating is like trying to agree on pizza toppings when you and your friend have vastly different tastes.

But whether you're haggling over a slice or striking a million-dollar deal, these surprising four tactics will help you save time and avoid a food fight.

Labeling: How to Give Your Counterpart a Voice and Gain an Edge

In negotiations, labeling is like letting the other person choose their pizza first.

It gives your counterpart a voice and shows you’re trying to understand their feelings. Start with phrases like “It seems like…” or “You look like…” to build rapport and defuse tension.

But there's a twist—mislabelling can also be effective, as people love to correct you, revealing critical information.

Mirroring: The Secret to Reflect and Connect Like a Pro

Mirroring is a simple tactic where you repeat your counterpart's last 3–5 words, like when your friend says, "I want pineapple on my pizza," and you reply, "Pineapple on your pizza?!?!"

This reduces hostility, keeps the conversation going, and can reveal your counterpart’s strategy. But did you know it's also a sign of rapport and trust, leading to a successful negotiation?

Accusation Audit: Taming the Elephant in the Room

An Accusation Audit, created by Chris Voss, is a preemptive tactic where you anticipate what the other side might be thinking and address those concerns.

The goal is to list all the negative assumptions or feelings they may have against you.

For example, when trying to reduce an electric bill, you might say, "You probably think I'm just another irate customer here to take out some aggression on you."

This tactic defuses tensions and builds trust.

Justifying the Delta: How to Sell the Upside

To sell the upside, you want the other person to see why what you're presenting is the most beneficial to THEM.

In sales, justify a higher investment by showing how it leads to better results, such as saving time and money in the long run. In a pizza scenario, justify the delta by highlighting how ordering what everyone enjoys prevents wasting money.

When you justify the delta, you highlight the value and make your counterpart see the bigger picture.

Negotiation doesn't have to be a heated argument over toppings. Using these tactics, you can save time, avoid conflict, and get the best deal—whether for pizza or business.

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